Donations help fund our services

You can make a difference

Because everyone involved with Healing the Children Rocky Mountains is a volunteer and there are no paid staff, we rely on donations to help fund our services. Since we are a 501(c)(3) organization, all donations are tax deductible. We partner with many organizations to try to obtain all medical supplies, but there are still many needs that need to be covered.

Patients and their families travel from far distances and often need their bus fare, hotel, and food covered. There are some medicines that need to be purchased in-country and cannot be brought in. Surgical equipment needs to be replaced and upgraded. Also all volunteers pay their own way on medical missions and this can be very expensive. So money or airline miles can be donated to help cover the team’s costs. About $200 will cover a complete surgery to fix a cleft lip or cleft palate or provide speech therapy. Donations can be given one time or on a recurring basis.

smiling child that needs surgery

There are two ways you can donate

thank you!
Become a Community Volunteer

Community volunteers are needed for
travel abroad.

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