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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Healing the Children Rocky Mountains (HTCRM)?

We are a volunteer, nonprofit organization that seeks to provide free, specialized health care to underprivileged children around the world.

Is this a national organization?

Healing the Children is a national organization that has 14 geographic branches around the United States. HTCRM is composed of volunteers mostly from Colorado and Utah.

How is HTCRM funded?

HTCRM is a 100% volunteer organization. All services provided are thanks to generous donations of skills, time, and money.

Are there paid staff? Who are the leaders?

There are no paid staff as everyone is a volunteer. There is a volunteer board of advisors that helps direct the efforts of HTCRM.

Are donations tax deductible?

HTCRM is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible and donors receive a letter for tax purposes by the end of the calendar year.

Where exactly do all donations go?

As this is a completely volunteer organization, 100% of all donations go directly to help children.

How can I donate?

Learn more about how you can donate to HTCRM by visiting our donation page.

How can I get involved in HTCRM?

Everyone who has a passion to help children can get involved and make a difference. Non-medical can be help with administrative work, fundraising, mailings, patient recruitment, volunteering to be a host family, or providing care on a medical mission.

Are local children in Colorado and Utah helped?

Our goal is to help all children and we are working to expand our reach into our local communities. Right now medical missions abroad is our primary focus.

Where do you go on medical missions abroad?

Currently we do missions in Lima, Peru and Quetzaltenango, Guatemala.

What medical problems do you treat on your missions abroad?

We primarily treat patients with cleft lip, cleft palate and speech disorders. We are looking to expand to include all aspects of facial deformities. These children have no access to such surgeries in their countries.

How many children are helped on a mission?

Last mission over 60 surgeries were performed and many other children received speech therapy.

How are patients recruited?

We team with in-country volunteers, Rotary clubs, local governments, and foreign media to get the word out as much as possible. We often have patients travel by bus for days to receive surgery.

How do you get supplies?

Most supplies are donated through the generosity of organizations here in the United States. The rest are purchased through fundraising.

How are supplies transported for missions outside of the US?

All supplies and medication are transported in suitcases by the medical mission team (with very efficient packing!!). Any unused supplies are either donated to the local hospitals or used for future missions.